State of the Web – Autoplaying Audio and Video

It’s an ongoing debate – users do not like videos to autoplay (apart from YouTube), and designers want their website to feature their video and audio immediately on visiting the page. In the distant past, this has often been ‘solved’ by using Adobe Flash to play videos. Browsers soon caught up to this madness, and … Read more

WordPress 4.9 – “Tipton”

WordPress 4.9 was released a few days ago, with some new features which are likely to cause panic amongst developers and designers, and provide some fantastic new features to users and administrators. The new version, named “Tipton” in honour of jazz musician and band leader Billy Tipton, is available for download from the WordPress site, … Read more

How important is content vs style of your site?

If you’re considering having a website for your company; there’s plenty of decisions to make – from which company to host with, and who should design and code your website, or whether to make it yourself. If you’re thinking of writing a website yourself, don’t fall into the trap of site generators and especially content … Read more

Best Practice for Next/Previous Pagination in Search Engines

Most developers will come across a need for paged content; perhaps for products on a website, or for long articles; but how is this best done for search? Google have recently announced more support for previous/next pages, and have offered two options; Using the <link> tag in the <head> container, to ‘Canonicalise‘ the individual pages … Read more

How to work with an SEO agency

Finding a good SEO agency is hard. But even once you’ve found your SEO company (even if it might not be!), there are a few important points to remember. 1. Keep Informed! Remember your SEO agency is on your side! They want you success as much as you do. Many clients feel uncomfortable letting … Read more

SEO Basics: A quick review

We see a lot of SEO techniques; some great (the best are great for both search and customers), and some awful. With every site we work on, we have to do a full review of the suitability for Search Engines. It’s always best to start from basics; given what we’ve seen from some previous developers … Read more